Vitamin A deficiency diseases

Vitamin A and What is vitamin A used for?

Vitamin A and What is vitamin A used for? This question is common for everyone. Hence you should know it. Vitamin A is a naturally occurring vitamin. Which is present in vegetables and fruits. It is a fat-soluble vitamin. It helps our immune system, vision system and reproductive system to work properly. In this article, … Read more

Nano socks for plantar fasciitis- Do they work?

socks for plantar fasciitis

  You may feel sometimes heel pain after a long walk or run. But if you are experiencing this type of pain in the morning or evening which is the stabbing type, then you must think of Planter fasciitis. Are nano socks worth it? Are there special socks for neuropathy? yes, Nano socks are specially … Read more

Scrotal calcinosis and its management

  Scrotal nodularity is not common. It is present in the age group from 20 to 40 years male. In medical terms, we call it scrotal calcinosis. But when it appears it looks very ugly and shameful. Any pathology to the scrotum testis or penis is mental stress for men. Scrotal calcinosis is one of … Read more

Hair fall, causes and treatments available.

causes of hair fall

  Hair fall, its causes and treatment are non-ending topics for every kitty party. Hair fall is a very common problem nowadays. Every woman, man and some adolescent group also face these problems. The causes behind this are not clear but many treatments are available which are effective. Many times, you use household items as … Read more

Zinc : must need nutrition in your diet.


      वृद्धावस्था में रोगों का खतरा बढऩे की एक वजह उनमें जिंक का स्तर कम होना भी है। ‘द अमरीकन जर्नल ऑफ क्लिनिकल न्यूट्रिशन’ में छपे एक शोध के मुताबिक जिंक का स्तर घटने से बुजुर्गों की रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता कम हो जाती है।    वृद्धावस्था में रोगों का खतरा बढऩे की एक … Read more

what is phimosis and what is circumcision?

  Phimosis is not a disease. It is just an overgrowth of prepucial skin, which is Present over the glans of the penis. It is very common in the population of India. Many children with paediatric OPD are diagnosed every day with congenital phimosis by a paediatrician. It is so common that nobody gives attention … Read more

Why should we get operate appendicitis?

acute appendicitis

  Many patients ask the same question when we advise them to get operate for appendix infection. Many of them experience appendix pain for the first time but many of them may be on the second time. Despite recurrence pain, the patient thinks that there could be medicine management for any type of illness that … Read more

Homemade protein powder for weight loss, It is High quality at less cast.

homemade protein powder

  Nowadays intake of protein powder has increased among the Indian population. We all become more conscious about protein intake. Homemade protein powder is the best solution. Do people also ask can I make my own protein powder? How to make protein powder naturally at home?  It’s useful for our body growth and body function. … Read more

Dolo 650, Calpol 650

dolo650, calpol 650

Friends,  dolo 650 and Calpol 650, two are very common names that commonly used by Indian people.  At least everybody knows the name of this drug even though they have not consumed it. These both are over the counter drugs means you can get them directly from the local pharmacy near to you. This is … Read more