What is a fissure ? Best cream and Fissure Surgery

fissure surgery

We all have some awareness about piles and their related diseases but we are not aware of their treatment and surgery. while reading this article you will come to know what is a fissure, which cream is best for a fissure and what is fissure surgery. A fissure is a cut at the anal canal … Read more

what is CBC test ? What is complete blood count ?

what is cbc test

What is a CBC test  ?   What is  a cbc test? its long-form is complete blood count.  CBC is a simple and really common test that screens all health disorders which can affect your health. A CBC determines if there are any increases or decreases in your blood corpuscle counts. Normal values vary counting … Read more

Appendix, Appendicitis, symptoms of appendicitis, part 2.


continue from part one of this article. If you have not read it please click here    The best possible way of treatment of appendicitis will be advised by the surgeon. If a surgeon saying that you need surgery means what? whether to rely on his opinion or not.  I could not fully disagree with … Read more

Appendix, Appendicitis, Appendicitis symptoms, Appendix pain and Appendix operation.


  Everybody in a lifetime must have heard about the appendix. In medical terminology, any infection of the appendix is called appendicitis. Appendicitis now becomes very common. But although it is very common still people have not aware of this common Pathology. Especially in developing countries like India, it is Still an ill-defined word for … Read more

ये 4 योगासन, नियमित करें .

  सुबह के समय शरीर में होने वाली सुस्ती को दूर करने के लिए करें ये योगासन देगें भरपूर एनर्जी.  अक्सर देखा जाता है कि सुबह के समय जब हम उठते है तो अजीब तरह का भारीपन होने के साथ शरीर में सुस्ती बनी रहती है उस समय लगता है कि जैसे शरीर काफी दिनों … Read more

Black Pepper Is Useful In Many Diseases

  आकार में छोटी सी दिखने वाली कालीमिर्च (black pepper) कई तरह से गुणकारी (beneficial) है। आयुर्वेद (Ayurveda) के अनुसार वनस्पति जगत में पिप्पलीकुल की बेल से टूटे फलों को कालीमिर्च कहते हैं। मसाले के अलावा इसे औषधि के रूप में अन्य जड़ीबूटियों के साथ मिलाकर नई दवा बनाने में प्रयोग किया जाता है। आकार … Read more

दही के साथ भूलकर भी न करें इन चीजों का सेवन.

milk and curd

   दूध और दही का सेवन स्वास्थ्य के लिए बहुत लाभदायी होता है। दही शरीर में इम्यूनिटी बढ़ाता है। दही में मौजूद कैल्शियम हड्डियों को भी मजबूत करता है। दूध और दही का सेवन स्वास्थ्य के लिए बहुत लाभदायी होता है। दही शरीर में इम्यूनिटी बढ़ाता है। दही में मौजूद कैल्शियम हड्डियों को भी मजबूत … Read more

What is Mucormycosis, What is black fungal disease.

Mucormycosis infection, black fungal disease

After a whole year of long-suffering from a pandemic of coronavirus, and even after hitting the second wave, which has now slowly step down, a new word continuously hits the screens of television. Every news channel and newspaper was showing how dangerous the disease is, which is known as mucormycosis infection. Now everybody keen to … Read more

Corona vaccine shortage in India

corona vaccination

Last year when the coronavirus pandemic started, everybody was eagerly waiting for the vaccine. Because all were thinking that only vaccine could save this mankind from such a deadly disease. And at last, after a long waiting period vaccine arrived and we, the common, people of India relieved with happiness. But soon discussion started about … Read more

2 DG DRDO Medicine, Dr reddy lab;

2 dg drdo medicine

It’s a piece of good news and proud movements for Indians that we have DRDO new drug, by dr reddy lab, that is  2DG drdo medicine which will kill the covid virus in our body and will help us to recover faster. After hearing this news, I can not believe it, but it’s clear that … Read more