Homemade protein powder for weight loss, It is High quality at less cast.


Nowadays intake of protein powder has increased among the Indian population. We all become more conscious about protein intake. Homemade protein powder is the best solution. Do people also ask can I make my own protein powder? How to make protein powder naturally at home? 

It’s useful for our body growth and body function. But we can use it for weight loss too. We have started taking proteins in form of green vegetables, non-vegetarian food, dry fruits, seeds and also the form of protein powder. Hence you can use homemade protein powder for weight loss purposes too.

Protein powder has gained popularity because of its easy availability and eases to add it in our all food items as a supplement. It is available at all medical shops and is affordable for all economical groups.  But still, one question remained unanswered why we could not make protein powder at home instead of buying it from Medical Store.  can we make it?

 The answer to this question is ‘yes’, you can make it. But it is less likely practised nowadays. But as a health-conscious person, you must know how to make protein powder in your home. So that it will be more healthy and guarantee the quality of the protein you are taking because you are making it for your own purpose. And it is not so difficult to make. It is a very easy process, everybody can follow it at home and can keep a container made up of homemade protein.

homemade protein powder
homemade protein powder

list of ingredients.

  I am explaining here the appropriate proportion of each thing to be taken to make a good quality protein powder. If you want more quantity, then you can double or triple appropriate measures to increase the quantity of protein powder.


 Almonds ¼ Cup

 Pistachios ¼ Cup

 Walnuts ¼ Cup

 Peanuts ¼ Cup

 Soya Beans ¼ Cup

 Pumpkin seeds ¼ Cup

 Flaxseeds ¼ Cup

 Chia Seeds ¼ Cup

 Oats 3 Cup

 Milk Powder 1 Cup



Instruction to make protein powder at home.

 You have to take all types of protein-rich dry fruits, nuts, seeds, as listed. The list is given below. Dry roast all nuts and seeds alone.  Dry roast walnut, peanut for 2 to 3 minutes on medium to low flame. It should be dry roast separately, which means dry roast almond first. Then take it out and keep it to cool down. You have to repeat for all seeds, nuts and dry fruits.

Dry roast all types of nuts and seeds then let it cool down. Dry roast flaxseed for a minute only and let it cool down.

 Dry roast pumpkin seed,  chia seeds and oats for 2 to 3 minutes on medium to low flame and take it out to cool down.

 After cooling down take all nuts, seeds together and add dry milk powder. Milk powder, addition is optional. If you do have not all ingredients listed above, then you can skip some. It will not make much difference in the quality of protein powder. You can make protein powder without milk powder also.  You mix all ingredients and grind it in a home grinder to make a coarse powder.

 First, add dry milk powder  1 cup and oats 1 cup. Grind it well then add all nuts and seeds. Grind it and see the consistency of the powder. Then again add 1 cup milk powder if required and again grind. After completion, it should be a coarse powder like uniform consistency.

After getting you a coarse powder-like consistency, take out and your homemade powder is ready to consume. Keep it in a closed container in the refrigerator. It can be kept it for 1 to 2 month. If possible you can make homemade protein powder required for one month. Because you can keep it safely for one month in a tight container.

protein powder
protein powder

 Why we should use homemade protein powder

Because it is very healthy and fulfil all the protein requirements of your body.

It helps to follow your keto diet and reduce your weight.

It also helps your growing child who is at puberty to get more protein for their body development.

It also helps all muscle builder person to add an extra amount of protein to their diet.

It is very helpful for all active individuals who want to be energetic the whole day long.

In female protein, powder intake improves circulation to facial skin and scalp. Which makes their facial skin tight and looks young. It also helps them grow hair longer and stronger.


homemade protein powder

How much protein we required for the day

We all know that we require some protein every day. But how much is sufficient?

 for women, it is 46 G per day and in males, it is  56 grams per day.

For pregnant and breastfeeding women it increases to about 71 G per day.

To get this requirement, we need to consume large bulk of meals having protein, which is not possible every day. This much amount of meal having the required amount of protein will make our tummy bloating. Hence we need pure digestible and easily absorbable protein which is possible in protein powder form only.


When we can consume this protein


You can consume this protein any time of the day whenever you require it.  Especially in the case of a person who wants to you take only protein as a diet, they can take it in milk whenever they required. You can add in the milk of your growing child and old age parents also.


How many grams of protein is there.  It contains 10 grams of protein per scoop, scoop which measures about 30 grams.  That means if you are taking 30-gram powder homemade protein powder then you will get 10-gram protein for your body. Because although it is pure protein, our body can absorb a few amounts only from available protein.

protein powder
protein powder

How to use this protein in our diet

You can mix 2 tablespoons of protein powder into your wheat flour, Jowar flour to prepare roti. You can use 2 tablespoons of protein powder to add to a cup of warm milk. You can also mix this protein powder to make dosa, idli.   You can add this protein powder to any milkshake. In this way, you can add it as a supplement to your food items.

This is a list to show how many grams of proteins is there in the total quantity of powder.


Almonds – 5.25 g

Pistachios – 5.07 g

Walnuts   –  4 g

Peanuts    – 6.25 g

Flaxseeds  –  4.57 g

Pumpkin seeds  –  7.46 g

Chia seeds  — 4.12 g

Soybeans/ Soybeans — 9 g

Oats  –  4.22 g

Milk Powder (Milk Solids)  –  5 g



So now you have your homemade protein powder ready. If you are not consuming any type of protein powder, then it is your time to make your protein powder. I know it will be the best choice for all available protein powder near to you at the medical store.

Please try this at your home and then let me know what was the experience making this protein powder in my comment box.  This will help you to achieve your health goal.

 Thank you very much.

protein powder for all
protein powder for all