What is a fissure ? Best cream and Fissure Surgery

fissure surgery

We all have some awareness about piles and their related diseases but we are not aware of their treatment and surgery. while reading this article you will come to know what is a fissure, which cream is best for a fissure and what is fissure surgery. A fissure is a cut at the anal canal … Read more

What is pilonidal sinus? पिलोनाइडल साइनस क्या है .

what is pilonidal sinus

दोस्तों, पिलोनाइडल साइनस बीमारी के बारे में आप में से बहुत कम लोग जानते होंगे. अक्सर यह बीमारी मोटे लोगों में, या जिनके कूल्हे पर अधिक मात्रा में बाल होते हैं, या वे मोटे लोग जो अधिकतर ऑफिस में बैठने का काम करते हैं, ऐसे लोगों में यह बीमारी होती है. अब आप यह सोच … Read more

What is Hernia in Hindi

what is hernia

इस आर्टिकल में हम हर्निया क्या है ये हिंदी में समझेंगे ( what is hernia in hindi ). हर्निया यानी पेट के चमड़ी के अंदर की मांसपेशियां  कमजोर हो जाती है और उसी कमजोरी से ( defect) अतड़िया  या चर्बी बाहर निकलती है. इस वजह से चमड़ी के ऊपर एक सूजन बनी हुई दिखती है  … Read more

Crema Gel Uses In Hindi In Anal Fissure


 आज हम बात करेंगे  fissure के लिए जो क्रीम लगाते हैं उसके बारे में. इस क्रीम का नाम है crema gel . आज हम जानेंगे crema gel के uses के बारे में ( Crema gel uses in hindi). दोस्तों हमें जब भी ऐसा लगता है कि लैट्रिन के मार्ग से खून  जा रहा है या लैट्रिन … Read more

Bleeding Piles, Take it seriously.

bleeding in piles

Bleeding from any part of our body is very troublesome for us. Bleeding from our nose, ear, vagina or from anal Canal is not uncommon. Whenever we see bleeding we are always afraid of it and think about any serious illness. Actually, menstrual bleeding is the only normal bleeding from our bodies. And another bleeding … Read more

What is a Hernia, Types of Hernia.


Hernia means coming out of abdominal contents through to a defect of the abdominal wall. The defect could be in the abdominal muscle, rectus sheath or peritoneum. There are many types of hernia that we are discussing here. Hernia could be congenital, which means from birth or it could be developed in adult life, due … Read more

Hemorrhoids, Questions and answer Part :-2


In the previous article, we answered the 3 most frequently asked questions about haemorrhoids. in this article, we will answer another question about haemorrhoids.   4 )   WHAT ARE THE GRADES OF HEMORRHOIDS? Haemorrhoids are divided into four grades. They are divided into grades according to the prolapse of haemorrhoids through the anal canal. According … Read more

What is piles? 3 most FAQ

Many people are suffering from piles all over the world. But only a few of them can understand what is piles. Here I want to explain what exactly the piles mean. I want to answer all the common questions related to queries of piles. (Piles and hemorrhoids are synonyms ) Qu.1) what is piles?   … Read more