Nano socks for plantar fasciitis- Do they work?


You may feel sometimes heel pain after a long walk or run. But if you are experiencing this type of pain in the morning or evening which is the stabbing type, then you must think of Planter fasciitis. Are nano socks worth it? Are there special socks for neuropathy? yes, Nano socks are specially made socks for plantar fasciitis.

One thing here I want to tell you is to consult your family physician or orthopaedics for the correct diagnosis.

Although many types of treatments are there but do you know the simple use of socks can give you immense relief. That is nano socks, specially made for plantar fasciitis.

Let’s see in brief what is plantar fasciitis first.

planter fasciitis
Nano socks


Heel pain;  Stabbing Heel pain 

It is an inflammation of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a fibrous thick sheet-like structure that connects our heel bone to toe bones and lies just below our sole. Whenever microtears occur at the fascia, they became oedematous and start pain.

Typically, you feel pain in the morning when you come out of bed and start walking. That pain disappears when you move on and again it can feel at the end of the day. This typical behaviour and stabbing type of heel pain suggest it is a pain of plantar fasciitis.


Risk factor involved

Although the exact cause of this pathology is not clear, it is thought to be an injury to the fascia due to overuse. This fascia supports the muscles and arch of our foot. When it gets overstretched, microtears occur. 

Some of the Risk factors are 

# Flat feet

# Obesity

# Athlete by Profession

# Prolonged standing and walking jobs

# Sedentary life (Non-walking)

# Exessive use of High heel shoes

socks for planter fasciitis
socks for plantar fasciitis



Available Treatment Modalities

As this is a very common disorder found among people, many treatment modalities are available.

  • Analgesic Treatment with rest
  • Stretching and physical therapy
  • Arch support, Heel cups and Night splints
  • Steroids injections
  • Extracorporeal shock wave therapy
  • Plantar fasciotomy 


What are Nano socks 

Although many types of treatments are available, none of them is found to be 100% beneficial for every individual. Hence you can try every treatment according to your result.

Here comes the role of Nano Socks which are available easily everywhere for relief from plantar fasciitis pain.

As the name suggest nano socks are made-up of Nano fabrics. These are fabrics engineered with nanoparticles than ordinary materials. These socks are water-resistant, drop moisture and odour, have better elasticity and strength. So that you can wear them for a long duration, means the whole day long. Also, the more important role is they are resistant to bacteria.

socks for planter fasciitis
socks for plantar fasciitis

How Nano socks work.


These works by giving universal compression pressure to your foot. Because of this graded compression, the foot gets additional blood supply, gets support to the arch of the foot. Swelling of the fascia decreases which relieve the pain.

 Scientific data about how compression socks work is lacking, but more than 80 % of patients who use these socks get their pain relieved. 

Remaining patients can be benefited if they use these socks along with other pain-relieving like.

# Plantar fasciitis stretches


# Shoes designed for plantar fasciitis

# Massage to sole

# Ice applied to the area

# Over-the-counter Analgesics 


Do They work?


Globally it is seen that the use of compression socks is the first-line therapy advised by the Orthopedician. Many types of socks are available in various sizes. You can wear mid-calf or ankle length compression socks which can snuggly fit your foot. Wear it for the whole day and take it out at the night.

You will feel less pain or almost nil pain within a few days.

If we see the reviews of users globally who are using these socks, more than 69% are rating their experience as 5 stars and 17 % as 4 stars. It means that 86 % of people globally who use these socks are happy with them and they are recommending these products as useful in pain relief.

 It means it works. Many doctors worldwide also recommend these socks for heel pain. 


socks for women
socks for women

Why everybody recommends


Because it is easy to use and cost-effective too. You need not worry if you forget to remove it at night. It is not causing any side effects to you or your foot. After all, everybody could have a different experience with these socks. Hence don’t go with their experiences. You should try it yourself.

My recommendation is that you should use it with some analgesics in the initial period. You can take the help of silicon inserts also which are too easily available in the market as shoe insole. These silicone inserts will provide your heel cushioning effect. Some silicon inserts are made to provide foot arch supports also. Simply put it below your foot and wear nano socks over them. This way you can walk without shoes also. If this is causing discomfort for you then you simply wear socks and put a silicon insole inside your shoes. Wear sports shoes of the right size than a thin hard sole leather shoe or high heel sandals.

This way you will see that you are now comfortable following your routine activities. 

One thing that is very important for you is that plantar fasciitis is a self-limiting condition. If you properly treat it for over a year with proper conservative treatment like wearing these nano socks, then you will win the battle against heel pain. Your pain will not exist after the year. Only you have to follow your conservative line of treatment for plantar fasciitis which may include stretching exercises, Icy massage of the sole, use of good arched footwear, use of Analgesic whenever required. Of course with the use of nano socks.

All these remedies work for heel pain. Hence you will find these nano socks work to relieve the pain related to plantar fasciitis. 

socks for men
socks for men


Although it seems that the pain is very stabbing and excruciating, it may require long term medication and may land up in surgical intervention. But it does not. Simple use of Nano socks as conservative management relieves your pain that too at a very economical cost. Hence these socks are globally recommended by healthcare workers and Orthopaedics too.

 Hence just start to wear it and get relieved. As I stated earlier please confirm before buying the quality of socks. Because any ankle socks cannot be nano socks. It’s the quality of socks fabrics that make it so special that it will compress your foot adequately and give support to your foot arch too.