How to live with Corona virus in 2020

Now it is clear that corona virus will not clear atmosphere for very long time. Hence we have to to learn how to to live with Corona virus. For this it become necessary to know how it spread, what are the symptoms of corona virus. And what precautions to be taken when we came in contact with the Corona virus patient.


As this infection growing from long time and still there is no clear treatment guidelines available. The only way we can do to is stay protected.

how to live with corona virus
how to live with corona virus


Hence what is to be done for daily activities.


Whenever you are going outside for shopping.


Wear the mask

Take as less as possible accessories

Accessories means all your ID card, driving licence, etc.

Do not carry much unnecessary documents.

Carry the cash as required only.

shopping with corona virus
shopping with corona virus

After confirming that you have taken all your documents  and cash,  sanitise your hands and go outside. If you are going by bike then you must carry small sanitiser bottle along with you. Sanitise the handles of your bike with sanitiser. Because when in parking somebody unknown person can touch it.

When you reach for shopping do not Park vehicle close to another vehicle. Keep some distance. Observe the customers at the shop . If many customers are there, then keep some distance before your number. Some another people may overlook your number in cue and may get entered into the shop. Do not panic. You can brought this  behaviour to the shop owner. While purchasing do not touch the product or pockets just to see it. Otherwise just order or give your list to the shop owner  so that he can collect all the things and it to you after billing.

Try to pay this bill by electronic way which is a better option now a days. Otherwise if you are going to pay with the cash keep your return cash in such a way that it will not mix to your documents.

shopping with corona virus
shopping with corona virus


After returning to home from shop


Keep all your documents and cash separately out of your pocket. Take out all products from your bag and keep that outside hanging. Whatever possible pour all grains and eatable directly to the container after cutting plastic pouches. Example milk pouch, snacks pouch, chips pouch, etc. Other things which are to be used later, wash their plastic bags  with soap water and kept them safely for later use. Wash your hands thoroughly.

If you are buying vegetables, then you have to keep all your vegetables except leafy vegetables, in a large bowl. Fill bowl with water and add soap to the water. You can add your washing powder in very small quantity to the water. Make a foam of that. Keep it for 1 minute. And then wash all the vegetables under running water. if you are adding baking soda then keep it for 1 hour.

In this way you can wash your vegetables and use them safely.

shopping with corona virus


If you were going to office


All the precaution you have to take are  same way you are going outside of your home. In the office try not to touch any door with your hands. With your bike key you can push the door or with your boot you can push. Do not chat unnecessarily with your colleagues. Try not to go so close towards them. Before sitting on your chair sanitise the table and chair specially hands of the chair. All the time were your mask and if you feel uneasy wearing a mask, go outside for moment, remove it, take fresh air inside and again wear mask.

If your work is on computer then sanitise all the keys of  computer and also your mouse. Keep all your customers 2 metre away and do their work without any delay so that contact period between You and your customer will be very short. Try to avoid to be part of gathering in lunch hour. Try to avoid taking tea from outside. After every file handling sanitise your hands. You can touch your mask from outside but do not remove it it and touch your nose.

 corona virus
corona virus


Coming from office to home


Do not touch button up doorbell. You can call from your mobile about your return. Or simply knock the door. Take out all your documents cash and  mobile, handbag. Keep them at some safe place so that nobody will touch. Take out all your clothing and take bath. All your clothing will go for wash immediately  without touching to your storage or cupboard. While washing wash your hair too. Now you are free touch all your things of home and safe to contact for your family members.



These are the things you have to follow to avoid to be patient up coronavirus. Because there is no any vaccine, any medications which could be profylactic  to avoid coronavirus. And the head of family who used to be outside for earning for shopping, must have to follow all these guidelines. Once he became positive, main kya bolun he will infect his all family members without any delay and the burden of family medical expenditure will spoil all you saving.

corona kavach insurance
corona kavach insurance


You need to take corona Insurance

Many companies launched corona-kavach policies and all their premium are similar to each other. Only the difference is they are offering different discount for family flouter scheme. You must go through all these insurance offer. It is available online as well as offline too. If you are taking policy online you will get 10% extra discount. If you are worker of health industry, then you will get extra 5% discount. Hence this policy is must for every individual. Hence do not think much. Search the better policy and purchase it online.

Final words: Follow rules of social distancing,

Always wear mask,

Avoid gathering,

Hand wash and sanitiser are golden rule

Stay fit and stay safe.