Government of India recently announced regarding covid-19 vaccination program in India. Government announces that it will start from 16 January. Many questions arise in the mind of people who will get the vaccine First and what are the groups divided by the Indian government to be vaccinated on priority.

Government of India declared his total vaccination program on his website to solve queries arises in the mind of people. Here I am going to clarify regarding this vaccination program and I hope you all will get your queries solved.


Q.)  Will COVID 19 vaccine be given to everyone simultaneously.


No.  people are not going to get this vaccine simultaneously.

government has divided peoples according to a priority group.

The first group includes healthcare and frontline workers. In this group, all government and private doctors are included along with all there Hospital staff and Hospital workers.  These are all included in first priority group because they are the most potential people who can get coronavirus infection easily whenever there is a patient coronavirus.


The second group to receive COVID 19 vaccine will be persons over 50 years of age and persons under 50 years with comorbid conditions.

All the persons over the age of 50 have low immunity as compared to young generation hence they are included in the second priority group.     Also, the people under the age of 50 but having some diseases like kidney failure, heart failure, liver failure, tuberculosis and many such diseases hamper the immunity of an individual. Hence these people are also included in the second priority group.

The third group will be the all remaining individuals who will get the vaccine after these first two groups.


Q )Is it mandatory to take the vaccine?


No. This vaccine is not mandatory or not compulsory.

Vaccination for COVID-19 is voluntary. However, it is advisable to receive the complete schedule of COVID-19 vaccine for protecting oneself against this disease and also to limit the spread of this disease to the close contacts including family members, friends, relatives and co-workers.



Q )Will the vaccine be safe as it is being tested and introduced in a short span of time?


Yes, it is absolutely safe. It is introduced after three trials of study. But due to political conflicts, some opposition parties and their supporter making rumours regarding the safety and potency of the vaccine.

But this should not be the problem.

Many developed countries have introduced COVID-19 19 vaccination programme for the safety of their people. Hence, we should also think about safety.


Q ) Can a person presently having COVID-19 (RTPCR positive) infection will get the vaccine?

No, It is not possible. A person with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection may increase the risk of spreading the infection to others at the vaccination site. For this reason, infected individuals should defer vaccination for 14 days after symptoms resolution.


Q ) Is it necessary for a COVID recovered person to take the vaccine?

Yes, it is advisable to receive a complete schedule of COVID vaccine irrespective of past history of infection with COVID-19. This will help in developing a strong immune response against the disease.

 Q ) As multiple vaccines are available, which vaccine should be chosen for administration? 

Yes, this could be your query. Recently Drug control of India has authorised two vaccines, COVAXINE and COVISHIELD.

Both are good vaccine but prepared by different laboratories and from different technology. Hence, they can have different dose schedule also.

The safety and efficacy data from clinical trials of vaccine candidates are examined by Drug regulator of our country before granting the license for the same. Hence, all the COVID-19 vaccines that receive license will have comparable safety and efficacy. However, it must be ensured that the entire schedule of vaccination is completed by only one type of vaccine as different COVID-19 vaccines are not interchangeable.


Q ) Does India have the capacity to store the COVID vaccine at the temperature of +2 to +8 degree Celsius and transport them at required temperature?

Friends, we should not raise this question. Our healthcare system successfully already running Universal Immunisation programme which is given for all new-born and Childs of India. India runs one of the largest Immunization programmes in the world, catering to the vaccination needs of more than 26 million new-borns and 29 million pregnant women.

Hence with the same infrastructure with some changes, we are going to vaccinate India.


Q ) Can a person get the COVID-19 vaccine without registration with the Health Department?

No. Registration process is necessary for all. If anybody wanted to hide his identity, then his vaccination is not possible. Only after registration, the information regarding the vaccination schedule will be shared with the beneficiary.



Q) What documents are required for registration of eligible beneficiary?


Any of the below-mentioned ID with Photo may be produced at the time of registration:

  • Aadhar Card
  • Driving License
  • Health Insurance Smart Card issued under the scheme of Ministry of Labour
  • Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) Job Card
  • Official identity cards issued to MPs/MLAs/MLCs
  • PAN Card
  • Passbooks issued by Bank/Post Office
  • Passport
  • Pension Document
  • Service Identity Card with photograph issued to employees by Central/ State Govt./ PSUs/Public Limited Companies
  • Voter ID


Q) If a person is not able to produce Photo ID at the session site, whether s/he be vaccinated or not?

No, he will be not vaccinated unless he produces same Id card at the vaccination and registration site.


Q) How will the beneficiary receive information about the due date of vaccination?


Following online registration, the beneficiary will receive SMS on their registered mobile number on the due date, place and time of vaccination.


Q) Will vaccinated beneficiaries receive information on the status of their vaccination after completion?

Yes. On getting a due dose of COVID 19 vaccine, the beneficiary will receive SMS on their registered mobile number. After all doses of vaccine are administered, a QR code-based certificate will also be sent to the registered mobile number of the beneficiary.


Q) If one is taking medicines for illnesses like Cancer, Diabetes, Hypertension etc, can s/he take the COVID19 vaccine?

Yes. Persons with one or more of these comorbid conditions are considered a high-risk category. They need to get COVID -19 vaccination.

Q) Are there any preventive measures and precautions that one needs to follow at the session site?

We request you to rest at the vaccination centre for at least half an hour after taking the COVID-19 vaccine. Inform the nearest health authorities / ANM / ASHA in case you feel any discomfort or uneasiness subsequently. Remember to continue following key COVID Appropriate Behaviours like wearing of a mask, maintaining hand sanitization and physical distance (or 6 feet or Do Gaj).


Q) What about the possible side-effects from COVID-19 vaccine?

COVID Vaccine will be introduced only when the safety is proven. As is true for other vaccines, the common side effects in some individuals could be a mild fever, pain, etc. at the site of injection. States have been asked to start making arrangements to deal with any Covid-19 vaccine-related side-effects as one of the measures towards safe vaccine delivery among masses.


Q) How many doses of the vaccine would have to be taken by me and at what interval?

All person needs to take two doses of vaccine, 28 days apart.  It is to be taken by an individual to get complete efficacy from the vaccine.


Q) When would antibodies develop? After taking the first dose, after taking the second dose, or much later?

Actual immunity develops after the development of antibodies in our body.   Protective levels of antibodies are generally developed two weeks after receiving the 2nd dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Means you have to take COVID-19 precautions for at least for 6 weeks after receiving the first dose.