Health insurance and Indian

Hello friend,

If you have come across this article and you are not insured under Health Insurance then this is a topic are you.

Do you know why Indians don’t want to take health insurance?

Here I am telling you some of the common reasons given by the common public for denial of Health Insurance.

Indian status of Health insurance

                     Do you know according to health survey in India only  27% of the population is covered under Health Insurance? That means out of 130 crore population only about 30 crore population is covered 100 crore population is still living uncovered from health Insurance.

So let’s know  what are the reasons behind.

1) I am very young and  I don’t require any health insurance.

This is the reason always given by the younger generation from 25 to 40  years of age. These people always think that they will never meet any accident or never will fail seriously ill like dengue, malaria, hepatitis. etc.

Now you think yourself are you immune person that you could not meet any type of accident, or could not be infected like dengue, malaria, or hepatitis?  We all know that these are very common illnesses but require hospitalization. And you better know how much hospitalization is costly.

2) Indian Thinks there is no return. Money wastes if we don’t claim.

                  What to say for such a mentality? When we take insurance cover for our car, mobile, two-wheeler; at that time do you think that you are wasting money?   Now you will say that they are legally important. Means what?   You need legal enforcement?  Otherwise, your body and your life has no any value?     Your value is less than one mobile or two-wheeler??

 Please Don’t expect the return from such insurance.

3) I am govt. servant and I am coverered.

      I am covered under ESIC scheme.

      I am covered under various govt . scheme.

Govt. hospitals are also providing good treatment.

                                Theses all are only excuses to avoid expense over health insurance. Actually we Indians never want to prepare for our future Health expenses. In fact, we never taught by our Parent or society.

Conclusion of this topic is you must purchase Health Insurance as early as possible.